
Album Review: Bonded – Rest In Violence

Old school thrash collective Bonded slay on Rest In Violence…

German thrash quintet Bonded are like a gang of the genre’s old guard and most dedicated disciples. Featuring former Sodom members Bernd ‘Bernemann’ Kost (guitar) and Markus ‘Makka’ Freiwald (drums), this debut also features Overkill frontman Bobby ‘Blitz’ Ellsworth as guest vocalist, as well as former Kreator bassist Christian ‘Speesy’ Giesler, on the title-track.

As expected, given the names in their ranks, the results are a compendium of all the things that make old school thrash great, done by those who were there. Rest In Violence is a volatile whirlwind of breakneck-speed riffs and lyrics that frequently make bold statements, and it’s clear from the anti-religious sentiment throughout that they aren’t shy about making their beliefs known.

Given that the ‘80s heyday of thrash now ended 30 years ago, the energy on display is phenomenal, and this is an incredibly strong introduction. But considering who’s involved, that’s hardly a surprise.

Verdict: 3/5