‘Can you tell from the look in our eyes?’ begged Sempiternal’s standout track. ‘We're going nowhere…’ Rarely have lyrics felt more knowingly misleading. Shadow Moses felt like a culmination, not just for Bring Me The Horizon, but for the broader metalcore scene of which they’d become figureheads, leading a thousand followers out of the wilderness to a musical promised land. Striking a balance between the jagged edges of those earliest iterations, the gouging riffage that’d been fine-tuned each release into something truly detonative, and the more sensitive deployment of electronics/emotional ideas that would become their path forward, these furious four minutes crystallised a pivotal moment in time: the craggy, exposed apex of their endlessly intriguing arc. Will the Sheffield supremos ever feel this raw, this revolutionary, this unequivocally thrilling again? Only time will tell…