
Dave Grohl Surprises Fans At Fan-Hosted 'Grohlathon' Livestream

The Foo Fighters man joined in and played drums at the marathon event

Dave Grohl, bloody nice bloke. Certainly the nicest bloke we know. Always smiling, always game for a laugh, always keen to meet the fans. And if you're not allowed to meet fans right now, you can make their day by interrupting your dinner plans to turn up at their live stream and play the drums.

This is how Grohl mega-fan Pat Finnerty's Saturday ended up. Hosting an Instagram salute to the Foo Fighters man, dubbed 'Grohlathon', Pat had actually reached out to Dave asking if he'd come online to sing Sting's parts from Dire Straits' Money For Nothing with him. If Dave didn't show up, there was a plan B: a cardboard cut-out.

Anyway, nine hours in, guess who joined the stream...

Dave gets points for this. First: he's having a gas with fans. Second: he's done this during a dinner party with friends, without appearing rude by disappearing off to go and chat with strangers on Instagram instead of washing up. Third: he plays some drums, even if he doesn't sing Money For Nothing.

And, most important here: is there a better opening line than, "What the fuck are you guys doing?" There is not.

So, still a very nice man. Well done, Dave.

Read this: The 20 Greatest Foo Fighters Songs – Ranked