
Fall Out Boy Are Releasing Their Own Limited Edition Tacos

Casa Vega Restaurant have teamed up with Fall Out Boy for some delicious-sounding Sugar, We’re Going To Get Tacos.

To celebrate National Taco Day, Fall Out Boy are branching out into the world of yummy Mexican food with their very own limited-edition snack: the excellently titled Sugar, We're Goin' To Get Tacos.

The grub in question is set to consist of a "crispy corn shell filled with ground beef or shredded chicken, homemade queso, Cool Ranch Doritos, pico de gallo and topped off with a cilantro ranch crema drizzle", and will be served from October 4 to the end of the month at Casa Vega in Los Angeles.

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This new concoction was created by Fall Out Boy's own Pete Wentz, plus chef and Casa Vega owner Christy Vega, and will available at the Sherman Oaks restaurant for both drive-thru and dine-in options.

Plus, all profits will be donated to No Us Without You, which is a non-profit charity "providing food security to the most disenfranchised hospitality workers affected by the pandemic."

Here's Pete cooking up a storm with Christy:

And a good ol' rocking out to Sugar, We're Goin Down, because it's a banger.