
Finnish Black Metal Oddity Vesperith's New Track Will Take You To Another Galaxy

Check out Vesperith's new song Fractal Flesh and have your mind blown

That's it – summer's over. No fun 'til Christmas. For the next six months it's dark afternoons, darker mornings, and everywhere you go and everything you touch will be wet. As it gets its claws into you and you begin to wonder if you'll ever not be lashed by wind ever again or if this is life now, it'll start to force you to look inward, searching for a way out within.

Anyway, music. While you're going through all this and the natural isolation of this dead season creeps in, you'll need something vast, atmospheric and of another plane to soundtrack it. Vesperith are the band you're looking for. The solo work of Finnish musician Sariina Tani, it's music that finds the beauty in these things and brings it out through an astonishing black metal lens. Her self-titled debut album is out on Nov 22 via Svart Records and available for pre-order now. Meanwhile, first single Fractal Flesh is here already.

Says Sariina, "I see the song Fractal Flesh as approaching an electrical storm which reveals itself to be a gateway to another place. It's about traveling through a portal to another dimension."

Check out our exclusive stream below.

Co-produced by Jun-His of fellow Finnish psych-black metal outfit Oranssi Pazuzu, alongside atmospheric black metal that recalls shades of Wolves In The Throne Room and Ulver, the album also takes in the cold vibes of Björk, the brutalism of Swans, and a glacial quality entirely of Sariina's own. It's a trip.

“This new album is a pilgrimage to the abyss," Sariina explains. "For many, shadows, darkness, emptiness or void are almost stigmatised as evil, bad or scary, but I see almost heartbreaking beauty, light and infinity there. [Making the album] was a traverse to the darker inner regions of the soul and through that alchemical trial of fire becoming whole again."

So, don't let winter get you down. Ride the waves of seasonal darkness properly with Vesperith.