
Watch the video for Cody Frost’s new single WOT?

Cody Frost has unleashed a new single and video, WOT? – check it out and see some behind-the-scenes snaps here.

Cody Frost has just dropped an ace new single and video, WOT?

Following the genre-blending artist’s debut Kerrang! cover alongside Jazmin Bean and Deijuvhs, Cody has unveiled a track “about a made up character who chooses downers as his main vice”.

Cody explains: “It’s a sad tale about drug abuse in the music industry. I wanted to challenge the preconception around the industry being glamorous and party filled and really bring to light a big issue that a lot of creatives face, addiction. Whether it be addiction to the craft, or addiction to substances, there is always a craving for that buzz, or that release.”

And have a look at some behind-the-scenes snaps from the WOT? shoot below.