From Dimebag to David Bowie: The icons who inspired Baroness’ Gina Gleason
When Baroness’ Gina Gleason plays her guitar, you listen. She’s the coolest and the best. Hardly surprising, when she’s looking up to icons as rad as these…
Is there no standard anymore?
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Man, U.S. president and human tanline Donald Trump has really been showing off his metal vocal talents of late. The dude has been covering tracks by Metallica, Megadeth, and System Of A Down.
Now, the leader of the free world has decided to share his rendition of arguably the most American metal song of all: Pantera's Walk. As you can hear, Trump doesn't exactly snarl it out the way Phil Anselmo does, but he adds a certain pouty confidence to the song that the band probably never imagined while writing it.
Take a listen:
If that makes you feel disgusted and angry, here's the original as a palate cleanser.