Like, if Daron didn’t have the big wacky fake tattoo, he’d still look scary, wouldn’t he? He’s so good at the eye thing. He also has another project, Scars On Broadway, who are a more classic metal-inspired band.
John Dolmayan was in Scars On Broadway for a while too, and has also played with Killing Joke, Scum Of The Earth and Tool. He also owns a comic book shop in Las Vegas, Torpedo Comics.
SOAD’s ability to switch style and tone at the drop of a hat and go from this almost choral-sounding part to big giant riffs is part of what attracted Rick Rubin to working with them, co-producing the album with Serj and Daron. He told Rolling Stone: “When I first saw System Of A Down, I loved them so much, it just made me laugh. There was no point of reference. It was so unusual. It's hard music, but a lot of hard music sounds very similar. This is hard, but it's playful, and it's really danceable and funky. And the emotion of the performances, it really reaches me. I love it.”
Rick Rubin is very open about how strange an offering this song is as a big single, but that’s what he likes about it, even if he can’t quite remember the words. “It's an unusual song because the verse is so frantic. The style is so broken up and unusual. It's both difficult to sing and arguably difficult to listen to, but then the chorus is this big, soaring, emotional, surging, beautiful thing. And then it's got this incredible bridge, 'Father, father, father, do you commend my spirit? / Father, why have you forsaken me?' It's just real heavy, biblical and grand. It's so unusual that it goes between these crazy rhythmic explosive verses into this emotional, anthemic ending.”
"I commend my spirit" is said by Jesus in Luke 23:46.