Wednesday 13 announces 10th album, Mid Death Crisis
Wednesday 13 has released new single When The Devil Commands from the band’s forthcoming “leave-your-brain-at-the-door” 10th record…
Check your brain at the door…
We’re not entirely sure why we were considering this, but at the coalface of serious rock journalism sometimes minds wander off into strange places. So yeah, recently we found ourselves wondering, ‘What are the dumbest album titles ever?’ and here we present the hugely scientific and accurate findings of our investigation for your delectation.
One point of order, however, before you get all shouty in the comments sections: we’ve deliberately avoided highlighting hordes of try-hard attention-seeking titles from obscure bands at the extreme ends of the rock and metal scale. So if you were expecting to see Erections At An Animal Autopsy by Abörted Hitler Cöck, we’re sorry to disappoint. Anyway – on with our countdown!
Enema Of The State, blink-182
Oooh, political!
Chocolate Starfish And The Hotdog Flavoured Water, Limp Bizkit
And yet this isn’t even the dumbest thing about the album…
Sailing The Seas Of Cheese, Primus
It’s Les Claypool, so we’ll let him off (a bit), but this is rubbish.
The Spaghetti Incident?, Guns N’ Roses
So many questions… mainly: what? And, huh?
M A N I A, Fall Out Boy
This one goes out to anyone who has ever had to type the damn thing. Plus, our CMS removes all the spaces that should be there, which is even more confused.
Everybody Loves Sausages, Melvins
Steal This Album!, System Of A Down
Do you need to ask why?
My Brother The Cow, Mudhoney
‘Hey Mr. Honey, how’s your bro doing, dude?’
De-Loused In The Comatorium, The Mars Volta
No idea.
‘V’ Is for Vagina, Puscifer
Not big. Not clever.
From Beer To Eternity, Ministry
What was Al thinking?!
Pink Bubbles Go Ape, Helloween
We’ll have what Michael Kiske is having…
Give A Monkey A Brain And He'll Swear He's The Center Of The Universe, Fishbone
Deep man, deep.
Where Owls Know My Name, Rivers Of Nihil
We’ll stick to the Cheers bar.
Dookie, Green Day
It literally means ‘dog shit’.
Monkeys For Nothin' And The Chimps For Free, Reel Big Fish
This probably seemed like a great idea late one night…
Early Mornin’ Stoned Pimp, Kid Rock
On the one hand you gotta admire the honesty. With the other, please slap yourself in the face, Mr. Rock.
Locust Abortion Technician, Butthole Surfers
You Will Never Be One Of Us, NAILS
The hardcore equivalent of this scene from Mean Girls.
Live Fast Diarrhea, The Vandals
Bet they felt really proud of themselves after this one, too.
Surfing With The Alien, Joe Satriani
Dude. Seriously.
Danza II: Electric Boogaloo, Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza
Sometimes ‘dumb’ is actually a good thing…
Music, 311
Really lads? Really? You’re calling your debut album ‘Music’ are you? Get out.
Happiness… Is Not A Fish You Can Catch, Our Lady Peace
Really makes you think.
Hear In The Now Frontier, Queensrÿche
A lot going on in this one. None of it good.
Get A Grip On Yourself, Wank
Merits a gentle snigger, maybe.
Origin Of The Feces, Type O Negative
Take Off Your Pants And Jacket, blink-182
Clever, in a super-dumb way.
So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes, NOFX
Okay, see ya!
Wrong One To Fuck With, Dying Fetus
Excuse me, you appear to have gone with the jokey gangsta rap working title fellas.